A place for my cardstock models.
I try to design models that go together fairly quickly, simply, and easily...but still look good.
And are sturdy enough for 25-30mm gaming...and other rough stuff.
And are free.
At least, that's the plan..........
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Elven Boat.
Here's the faering model modified as one of the Elven canoes from Lord of the Rings.
Pretty simple build.
"I'm going alone Sam!"
"Of course you are Mr. Frodo...and I'm coming with you.....!"
Here's the link:
Elf Boat
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
1930s Cars: The Coupe.
The 2 door coupe.
I think there's a song about that....
PDF in a multitude of colours:
Pulp Motors Coupe
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Friday, July 27, 2012
1930s Cars: Police Car and Taxicab.
Follow that car!
30s police and cab for some good old fashioned car chasing fun.
Both models in one PDF here:
Hope you like,
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
1930s Cars: The Pickup Truck.
A purdy little truck.
Comes in a few two-tone colour schemes.
(can anyone else hear that banjo playing....?)
Here's the link:
Pickup Truck.
Edit: Apparently someone wanted a red one, which I forgot to include, so here it is:
Red Pickup
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Paper Model,
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
1930s Cars: The Four Door Sedans.
More gangsters and G-men.
This time with bigger cars, the four doors (or fordors...).
Big enough to take the canaries for a ride...then toss 'em out the suicide doors.
There's a regular fordor and a square back (tres classier).
Here's the links (PDF's with multiple colours each):
Square Back Fordor.
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
1930s Cars: The Two Door Sedans.
Pulp Motors: my next project.
Late 1930's styled automobiles for Gangster, G-men, or WWII play.
Two models to start: the Tudor Sedan (gotta love car ad-men Two Door...get it....?) and the Square Back Sedan.
Both come in 6 period colours.
So rob a bank, fight Nazis, or just go after those pesky tax evaders...
Tudor Sedan (all colours) PDF
Square Back Sedan (all colours) PDF
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
LakeTown House Number 4.
Another viking/dark ages/Middle Earth house.
Rough log style with a plank roof.
Because you can never have enough houses.
Here's the link:
LakeTown House Number 4
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Friday, July 13, 2012
LakeTown: The Mead Hall
The Mead Hall.
A great place to drink, carouse, plan your adventures, fight monsters (and their mothers).
Construction is pretty much the same as LakeTown House #1....but its a lot bigger!
Here's the 3 page PDF:
(I'm trying out Google Docs...when the page opens, click on File:Download....leave me a comment if it doesn't work)
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
LakeTown: The Great House.
The Great House.
Could be where the Mayor or Chief lives...or could be the council chambers...or it could be the seat of the local religion.
The model is based on a Viking Era Stave Church...or Stavkirke.
Its a fairly simple build...mostly just box shapes that glue together, but its a big file.
And there's lots of options for kitbashing.
Here's the link:
Lake Town Great House
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
LakeTown Dockside Warehouse.
The LakeTown dockside warehouse.
Shown here next to one of the other LakeTown houses (it printed a little orange on my printer...I think I have to fix my printer settings, its more of a yellowish brown....)
This is a two storey structure, quite a bit bigger than the other LakeTown houses, with a handy loading hook.
Four page PDF, here's the link:
LakeTown DocksideWarehouse. (this link is now dead....use the one below, it's better anyway...)
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
I'm not really happy with the colour of the first one, so I played with the colours a bit...toned down the saturation of the the bright orange so it prints a little more brownish.
Here's the link to the new one:
Better Coloured Dockside Warehouse
(its on Google Docs...open the File flydown and click on Download).
Forget the first one...this one looks much better.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
LakeTown House Number Three.
The third LakeTown House.
With a wood shingled roof and a rougher barn-like exterior.
Here's the PDF:
LakeTown House 3
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
With a wood shingled roof and a rougher barn-like exterior.
Here's the PDF:
LakeTown House 3
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
The MotorHome.
Trying to find sanctuary during the Zombie Apocalypse?
Maybe you need one of these for your (completely futile) cross country odyssey: A big @$$ MOTORHOME!!! (I think it comes with an electric can opener to open those "mystery meals.")
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
The Cab Over Truck Cab.
Here`s an extra for the truck sets: a CabOver Cab.
There's three in the pdf file: one yellow, one red and one green.
You can put them on any of the truck bodies for a bit of variety...or come up with one of your own.
Here's the PDF:
(when you print it, print it "full size", not "fit to page".....I messed up the PDF, it's the picture size and not the page size. So if you print it "full size" it should print the right size to mesh with the rest of the model...)
Note: this is just the cabover cab....the rest of the models are on other pages.
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
LakeTown Ladder.
Just a little extra for the LakeTown set.
If you cut out the little spaces under the rungs like a downward facing flap, you might be able to balance a figure in them...like a real ladder.
Here it is:
Grendel's Mother64.
If you cut out the little spaces under the rungs like a downward facing flap, you might be able to balance a figure in them...like a real ladder.
Here it is:
Grendel's Mother64.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
LakeTown House Number 2.
The second house of the laketown set.
With a timber plank roof.
Could fit into many historical time periods as well.
A pretty simple build (2 page pdf).
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
The second house of the laketown set.
With a timber plank roof.
Could fit into many historical time periods as well.
A pretty simple build (2 page pdf).
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Viking Wagon: The Oseberg Cart.
Here's a viking wagon, loosely based on the cart found with the burial goods of the Oseberg Ship.
Perfect for hauling hay, pillaged goods, slaves or pickled herring. Whatever ya got....
You're on your own for rounding up a few horses or oxen though.
Here's the model (one page jpg):
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
LakeTown House Number 1.
The first house for LakeTown.
Also good for use as a Viking or Dark ages home.
The curved roof is a little tricky, just remember to glue it to the beam first.
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Friday, June 15, 2012
More LakeTown Dock Bits: Ramp and Bridge.
So here's a shot of some of the rough prototype pieces of Laketown put together in a small layout.
The final parts are a faded, weathered grey like the bridge.
This set contains the bridge and the ramp, to pretty much complete the LakeTown Docks set.
Here's the link:
LakeTown Bridge and Ramp
The other parts are at these two previous posts:
LakeTown High and Low Dock.
LakeTown High Dock Spacer.
So with all these bits, a truly large scale LakeTown Pier tabletop layout could be made.
(If you make one, please send me the photos!)
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
The Box Truck.
The box truck.
Big enough for a lot of contraband.
Or a mobile nerve gas factory.....
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
The City Bus.
The city bus.
Correct change please.
I wonder how long a busload of citizens could hold out against a zombie hoard in one of theses....?
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Garbage Truck.
The garbage truck.
Tough and smelly.
The final PDF is red instead of yellow...and covered in crap.
Because someone convinced me a garbage truck would be much cooler if it was red and covered in crap.
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
The Schoolbus.
The first of my "big vehicles" set: The Schoolbus.
A great setting for a perilous showdown between your superheroes and supervillians, or your cops and zombies, or your aliens and national guard....just make sure you save the children.
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
PS: yes, that is bird sh!+ on my picnic table.
LakeTown: more dock bits: the "spacers"
This piece is a spacer.
Not very glamorous I know, but important in the big picture.
In order to present a continous post/cross-beam/post/cross-beam/post face in the LakeTown model, the spacer goes between the high dock sections.
In the pic above you can see how this works....except for the one floating there all by itself (just to show what you're getting).
They've already been textured (a greyish weathered wood look) but I don't have enough made for a decent picture so you'll have to imaging it from the graphic above...I'll get one up later.
I've also included a few squares of the planking texture in this one, so you can use it for the interior bits of your model (mount it on heavy cardboard or foamcore...that way you don't have to build endless high dock bits....).
So download it here:
And if you actually build one, let me know....maybe send me the pics....
Hoope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
LakeTown: the dock platforms.
The first part of my LakeTown project. Based on Tolkien's Esgaroth from The Hobbit.
Read about the town here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esgaroth
The dock platforms. Pretty straightforward. One high, one low (not pictured here, but its in the PDF).
There's other bits to come: ramps, bridges, buildings...but you've got to put them someplace so we'll build the platforms first.
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Monday, June 11, 2012
The Knarr: Viking Cargo Ship.
Got a lot of loot to move? What you need is a seaworthy ship with lots of room for cargo: the knarr.
These were the workhorse ships of the Vikings (when they weren't looting and pillaging). These were the ships that sailed across the North Sea, the North Atlantic, up the Volga River....bringing trade goods, loot, slaves and settlers to and from everywhere the vikings went.
Here's a waterline model (a fairly big one: 16 inches long as printed, but you could always make it shorter) good for tons of loot, settlers, livestock, or anything else you want to cram in.
8 page pdf.
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
The Viking Drakkar Longship.
The Longship. Also known as the dragon ship, or drakkar.
Here's a waterline model of a smallish warship...just the right size to transport a dozen or two of your best berserkers to some foreign port or monastery to sack....and burn...and pillage.
It's a four page pdf with options to make a short, or long, or very long ship.
With a few different dragon heads to fancy up your bowpost and instill fear into you hapless victims, and some oars for when the wind fails.
(the fig is from OneMonk from Cardboard Warriors)
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64
Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Pony Car.
The Pony Car.
Mustang or Camaro....zero to sixty in 6.8275 seatback compressing seconds.
In "arrest me red", and a few other cool colours.
Here's the link:
Go vroooooooom....!!!
Grendel's Mother 64
Edit: links fixed now. Sorry about that.
Friday, June 1, 2012
The Pickup Truck.
The workhorse of the the paper model universe.
With a king cab and more stones and towing power than....another pickup...
And Okum's Klingons.
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
The SuperCar.
Bond. James Bond....
No...Cardstock, actually.
The supercar. I don't think this one has machine gun hubcaps or missile headlights...but you never can tell.
Comes in the only appropriate supercar colours: Red and Black.
(once again, the awesome Klingon paper figs are Okum's)
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Monday, May 28, 2012
The Ambulance Mod.
The Ambulance.
Because playing with paper models is dangerous business, and someone could get hurt.
Same template as the Delivery Van.
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The Black Van Mod.
A request!
A black van...something about aliens, Secret Service...or something.
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64
The Minivan.
The standard suburban grocery-getter for the past...20 years or more?
A bit smaller, and a bit more stylish than the full sized van.
Available in 6 colours.
Now, go get some groceries!
Here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
(PS, figs are Okum's....again.....his figs are the coolest)
The Compact Car.
The compact car, 4 door hatchback.
Just a little bigger than the subcompact (the green one is the subcompact).
Just a little more room for groceries, kids and....nevermind....
(once again figs are Okumarts and DarkMook's)
So here's the link:
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother64.
Friday, May 25, 2012
The SUVs. Both kinds.
The SUVs: the Crossover and the really, really big 4x4 bigg'n.
In the most elegant of designer colours, and sparkly showroom clean...for the moment. (who are we kidding, nobody gets their Lexus Crossover muddy....)
(figs are Okumarts...except of course for the Wookie)
Here's the links: (all JPG's, about half a page for the crossover and almost a full page for the bigg'n.
Crossover in Ivory, Charcoal, Cherry, Navy, and Mint.
Full Sized SUV in Bone, Lilly Pad, Royal, Poppy, Dusk, and Gold.
(yeah...white, grey, red, blue, green, yellow....)
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The ChipWagon Mod.
You want fries with that?
(figs are Okumarts' Klingons....yeah...they like their poutine... )
Same as the Big Square Commercial Van, here's the link:
Hope you like,
The SubCompacts.
The Subcompact: Rabbit, Golf, Tracer, Chevette, Colt, Geo....everyone's crappy first (new) car.
The perfect car for college, to deliver pizza in..to get....nevermind....
Now available in 5 bright shiny colours, and one custom pizza delivery rocket! (can you imagine picking up your date in that...? "Yeah babe...company car...")
(Klingon fig is Okumarts' and the teenybopper is DarkMook's from Carboard Warriors....the Wookie is me...I mean mine....)
Here's the link:
And it includes the Pizza Delivery Rocket!!
At least they're good on gas.
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
The Brinks Truck Mod.

Another mod for the delivery van.
This time the van that delivers money....big money.
A great centerpiece for a little action. A target for all those budding supervillians needing a little cashy-money to fund their evil plots.
This side view graphic doesn't show the little armoured windows front and back as well.
Here's the download.
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
The Tactical Response Van Mods.
Here's a sideview of the two Police Tactical Response Vans.
One armoured, one not so much...I guess it depends on the department's budget...?
Here's the links to the model files (JPGs, one page each)
Regular Tactical Response Van
Armoured Tactical Response Van
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Commercial Vans.
A couple of working vans.
For deliverymen, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, SWAT teams.
Or for supervillians trying to steal the Statue of Liberty one piece at a time...or plant a dirty nuke...or deliver a giant hypnotic squid...OK, you get the picture.
Any colour you want, as long as its white.
At least for now...maybe later I'll get to some tradesmen like signage, and an actual SWAT, Brinks Truck, and/or FED-EX mod.
And a ladder....that van really needs a ladder attached to the roof...!
Once again, the federal agent figs in the pic are Dark Mook's from Cardboard Warriors.
Here's the links: (JPGs, single page each)
Both built pretty much the same way as the sedan from the previous post.
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother.
The Big Cars.
The big, anonymous grey sedan...like the one Agent Coulson drives (you know he doesn't own it, it's more like a lease...). In a few dull, bureaucratic colours, but with a police cruiser and taxi option as well.
(the various law enforcement agents are Dark Mook's, from the Cardboard Warriors Forum)
These models are the start of a larger plan to create a whole parking lot of various 25-30mm-ish (60th scale) "regular" cars. At least one version of most of the North American car classes...full size, compact, sub-compact, crossover...etc....in a few "common" colours for each.
Enough to populate any inner city, freeway, parking lot or street scene with a bit of variety.
The plan is to make them fairly generic in style, but seeing as I come from a "Ford" family, they're likely to resemble Fords a little more than others.
And they have bottoms! So your scene will still look good during an Alien invasions with big rolling, car flipping explosions...or an unruly zombie hoard tipping cars in search of a snack...or a plain, good old "Hulk smash!!!!"
So...the first off the assembly line is your Grandfather's sedan (which is also what the Cops and Cabbies drive):
Here are the links (each one is a jpg about a half page in size):
Navy Sedan
Dark Grey Sedan
Burgundy Sedan
Police Cruiser
Sorry, no printed instructions, but they are farily straightforward to put together.
Make sure to score the front/top/back part across the width at every tab intersection to be able to fold the profile shape of the car. Glue the top and sides togther first, then fold under the running boards and glue in the bottom (folding the inside face of the wheels down then folding the ends in last).
The wheels don't have any 3D thickness, but considering they are in shadow, I don't think you notice it too much.
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Giant Squid and the Jolly-Boat.
Beware the Kraken!
OK, he's a little smaller than Captain Jack's Kraken, but he's still a pretty big squid.
And he comes with a little Jolly-boat, or ship's boat, kinda like the one Captain Jack stole from Anna-Maria.
And then sank in that cool opening scene of Pirates of the Caribbean....?
Sorry, I couldn't find a colour pic anywhere.
The boat is brown wood and and plain canvas...pretty much boat-like.
And the squid is kinda speckly, squidly orange...pretty much squid-like.
Here's a bit of that texture:
These were posted on "Miniatures in Paper" quite a few years back.
I think these were the first paper models I ever posted online.
I like the boat, and I like the squid's paint job, but he's a bit clunky as a model.
Try him out anyway...he's pretty simple to build...and he's free.
The boat will fit a few 28mm(ish) figs, and the squid is big enough to be a challenge to a few cutlass wielding pirates.
They're both together in one PDF file right here: Giant Squid and Jolly-boat.
(1 page instructions, 4 page for the squid and 2 for the boat....7 pages total)
Hope you like,
Grendel's Mother
Edit: Ignatius from Cardboard Warriors recently made the model and has generously allowed me to post a pic here:

Thanks Ignatius.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012
The Birch Bark Canoe.
"Land of the silver birch, home of the eagle, where still the mighty moose wanders at will......"
Yup, the old Algonquin standby: the birch bark canoe.
So prepare to dip your paddle and practice your J-stroke....
(paddle not included)
Fits a couple of 28mm(ish) figures.
One page (actually...about half a page), instructions included.
Link....The Birch Bark Canoe.
Hope you like,
Grendel`s Mother
(Last Wild West post for a while. And yup, that`s Dryw's wrangler from Cardboard Warriors)
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